In the world of claims services for daycares, camps and amateur athletics, we’re seasoned pros.

Founders (and brothers), Bill and Bruce Chalmers, saw an opportunity to pay accident claims stemming from their P&C insurance agency, which was writing coverages for boys and girls summers camps. The camps they were insuring wanted Accident & Health coverages, but the carriers did not want to pay the claims.
Never shying away from an opportunity, Bill and Bruce identified a business need to pay claims for these carriers and hence, NAHGA Claim Services was formed.
Now, over 30 years later, NAHGA has developed a national reputation for excellence as a TPA and the scope of our client roster has expanded from boys and girls camps to K-12 school and sports programs to amateur sports leagues to college athletics programs at all interscholastic levels.
Not to mention that over ten of the top health and accident insurance companies serving those same markets have outsourced their claims processing to NAHGA. In other words, when it comes to administering customized claims processing programs, we’re seasoned pros.